Recognition of colored Bull Terriers all over the world

In 1939 Canadian Kennel Club has recognized colored Bull Terriers as a separate breed, that meant full rejection from registration of litters obtained from white and colored dogs. This encouraged the members of English Bull Terrier Club, thus they came out for prohibition of registration and demonstration of colored and white Bull Terriers of colored origin on the dog shows. English Kennel Club (EKC) didn't support them, thus they lost this dispute. Several years later, Canadian Kennel Club following EKC, decided to divide the breed into two types, but later on they have united them.

In 1939, American Bull Terrier Club has published an article, saying that "any member of the club, who has mated colored Bull Terrier with white one, or with puppies born in the litter of the sort, violates the rules and best traditions of the club". This made possible to exclude violators from the Club.

Mr. Wallace Mallison, one of the USA fans of colored dogs, in his turn has refused from club membership. Many breeders, who believed in the future of colored Bull Terriers, have followed their example.

Up to 1950 English Bull Terrier Club several times got in an awkward situations, forbidding white dogs of colored origin to participate in Club Shows. They have deserved awards, but the latter were given to the dogs which won second place. Thanks to the workmanship of breeders, several outstanding white dogs were obtained from colored parents. Later, the situation differed from the one of 1930s, as famous breeder claimed that if they find a good white Bull Terrier of colored origin, that will improve the breed, they will definitely use it for mating with other dogs. Actually, it did really happened later.  

In 1950 the dispute between the breeders were brought to an end, and now a new movement for equality of these two types of breed began. The obstacles for mating of colored and white dogs disappeared and now any type of this breed could participate in dog show and win awards. If sponsors set an award for purebred white dogs, then EKC rule came into force, it stated the following: white dogs shouldn't have any colored ancestors in their pedigree.  

The decision of English Kennel Club became a milestone in the development of the breed. Almost at the same time, the quality of white dogs was increased, especially it is was obvious for head built. The breeders of full white Bull Terriers had a chance to increase the total number and separate body parts of their dogs.

Today you can hardly find a high-class dog that haven't inherited superiority of colored ancestors. Indeed, Open Award Dog Show carried out by EKC in 1956 has proved this fact, as almost every male or female had white and colored ancestors.

In 1954 English Kennel Club has established a rule, according to which both types of dogs could gain the title "Best of Breed" at any specialized dog show, except for all-breed one. Thus, at one of the dog shows in 1957 both types of breed struggled for "Best of Breed" title. As a result colored Bull Terrier won the prize this time.

According to all historical references, colored Bull Terriers had to pass a difficult period in England as well as in USA. Though, a long history of this breed helped to obtain the most powerful representatives of colored Bull Terriers.

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